1. what is a NINJA Loan?
2. What is the difference between a sub-prime and prime mortgage?
3. What is the difference between a fixed and adjustable mortgage?
4. What is securitization?
5. What is a Collateralized Debt Obligation? (CDO)
6. What are Tranches?
7, What is an Option ARM Loan?
8. Deutsche Bank, research the details of this banking institution.
9. What is a FICO score? What is the history of it, who created it, what is it used for?
10. Tradeline Solutions, what did this company do?
11. What is a Bond?
12. What is a Treasury Bill?
13. What is the London Interbank Offered Rate? (LIBOR)
14. What are the Basel Accords? Why were they created?
15.What is a Capital Reserve Requirement?
16. AIG, what did they do, why did they collapse?
17. What is a Credit Default Swap? (CDS)
18. What is a Mortgage backed security? (MBS)
19. What is a naked credit default swap?
20. What does monoline insurance company do?