Mortgage Bubble

Mortgage Bubble

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mortgage Bubble

1. what is a NINJA Loan?

2. What is the difference between a sub-prime and prime mortgage?

3. What is the difference between a fixed and adjustable mortgage?

4. What is securitization?

5. What is a Collateralized Debt Obligation? (CDO)

6. What are Tranches?

7, What is an Option ARM Loan?

8. Deutsche Bank, research the details of this banking institution.

9. What is a FICO score?  What is the history of it, who created it, what is it used for?

10. Tradeline Solutions, what did this company do?

11. What is a Bond?

12. What is a Treasury Bill?

13. What is the London Interbank Offered Rate? (LIBOR)

14. What are the Basel Accords?  Why were they created?

15.What is a Capital Reserve Requirement?

16. AIG, what did they do, why did they collapse?

17. What is a Credit Default Swap?  (CDS)

18. What is a Mortgage backed security?  (MBS)

19. What is a naked credit default swap?

20. What does monoline insurance company do?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Alan Greenspan, ______________________ in the universe

Why was the Glass Steagall act created?

Why was the Glass Steagall Act repealed?

What is the Gramm Leach-Gliley Act?

What is the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000?

What is a derivative? 

Who is Ayn Rand?

What is Collectivism? 
What are the main jobs of the Federal Reserve?
Who is Alan Greenspan?
What is the Glass Steagall act?
When and what happened during the Savings and Loan crisis (S & L crisis)?
What is a commercial bank? Examples
What is an investment bank? Examples
What is the difference between an investment bank and a commercial bank?
What is a put or put option?
What is a Greenspan put?
What was the dotcom or dot com bubble?
What is a venture capitalist?
What is the difference between a speculator and an investor?
What was the Orange County bankruptcy scandal of 1994?
What was the Bankers Trust Scandal of 1995?
What was the Long Term Capital Management Scandal?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Should lobbying be allowed?  Explain

What is a lobbyist?
What is direct lobbying?
What is grass roots lobbying?

What is a nonprofit organization?

How do you create a nonprofit organization?

Are there any legal issues when a nonprofit lobby’s?

What is the difference between lobbying and advocacy?

Lobbyist in actions:
Controversial Arizona immigration law, how it was drafted and passed

Jack Abramoff Scandal :
Very in depth
Check out the players
At the bottom of the page there are numerous stories, read the stories and try to figure out the Abramoff scandal.  Take notes on the story.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Campaign Finance

Write a reflection on the court case project.  Effectiviness, what you learned, things you liked or didn't like. 

Buckley v. Valeo
Money is a form of free speech
Federal election campaign act
H.R. 2356
Soft Money
Hard Money
What is the Federal Elections Commission?
What is the job of the FEC?
What is a political Action group?
What is the job of a political action group?
What are the restrictions of a political action group?
List 3 PAC’s? What they support? Leaders.
What is a Super PAC?

What is the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007?

What is a 527 group or organization?

What is a 501 c4?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Third Parties

American First Party                           Americas Independent Party
American Patriot Party                       Citizens Party
Tea Party                                             Coffee Party
Modern Whig Party                            Unity Party of America
Democratic Socialist Party                  Labor Party

Pick 5 parties from the above list.

Research the following for each of your parties:

Mission statement

3 issues (if available)

Candidate support

Once you have researched the above items, decide which party that suites you best.
Decide if the major party of your choice or the minor party of your choice fits best.  Due on Monday September 12.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Answer the following questions:

1.  What political party do you align yourself with?  

2. Go to the following websites and take these political quizzes.  

Record your results.
3. Were you surprised by your results?  Do they match up with your original party idea?

4. Go to the Democratic and Republican websites.  Pick 4 issues and write down their stances/ideas on the issues for each party.  Once completed, reflect on the information and decide which party matches up with your interests.